woensdag 4 juni 2014

Tiananmen square, 25 years later. :/


Yes, a lot has changed in China in 25 years.  Some cities have completely changed.  Not only Beeing with the Olympics and Shanghai with the Expo World Fair.  Even far west, or south west like Chengdu, a place completely different of what we see and think of China has expanded over twice in size and population.
Some villages became huge cities and some booming places are now on hold.  Thousands and thousands of luxuous condominiums and office buildings are still unsold.  But some pictures reminds me more of Laz Vegas, Manhattan or other American city.  According to some alarming news messages, smog and air pollution in cities is getting unbelievable.  Car possession and use hasn't just doubled or quadrupled.  So, the economy is indeed booming and likely the fastest growing on earth.
I saw an article on the BBC World page stating that xxx million Chineese have Internet and zero are talking about this "anniversary".

Now that means something!  And yet, it's not clear to me.  Everyone is talking about the NSA and of course of Snowdon.  But what is going on in china nowadays?  Yes, like I mentioned, the BBC world does mention it as well as many other news Broadcasters in 10 secs and of course, Amnesty International doesn't forget to remind us 1989 Tiananmen Square.

But what troubles me is not that it's all peacefully (with an overkill of police force) on the square last days.  No, it's the simple fact that the Chineese government is likely having a ferm grip on Internet and social media we are not aware of. "Big brother" is really watching and thus really controlling the Chinese people in an Orwellian way.  Amnesty and Human Rights organizations do remind us but are obviously powerless in china. :/  Today Tiananmen Square IS news... For 10 secs.  And tomorrow? Business as usual!  Live and new news goos on.  So... That was the news, we will remember it again in 25 years. :(
Last but not least, here are a lot go great pics!

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